LEE.K, leekgallery
artist painting
paris peintre
glow in the dark

Phosphorescence , glow in the dark, Aquarelle, techniques mixtes, sur papier. 53x46cm

Phosphorescence , glow in the dark

Phosphorescence, glow in the dark, Aquarelle, techniques mixtes. 34.5x46,6cm

Phosphorescence , glow in the dark

Four Seasons. lampe.Phosphorescence , glow in the dark, Aquarelle, techniques mixtes. 24(l)x24(f)x71(h)cm

Phosphorescent,glow in the dark, acrylic on wire , 33x41cm

Phosphorescence , glow in the dark

Phosphorescent ,glow in the dark, oil, mixted, on canvas, 130x162cm

Phosphorescence , glow in the dark

Phosphorescent , glow in the dark, huile, mixted, on canvas, 69.5x100cm

Phosphorescence , glow in the dark

Oil, Phosphorescent, glow in the dark, on canvas, 81x116cm

Phosphorescence , glow in the dark

Phosphorescent , glow in the dark, on canvas, 116x72.5cm

Phosphorescence , glow in the dark

Phosphorescent, glow in the dark, oil on canvas , 89x116cm

Phosphorescence , glow in the dark

Phosphorescent, glow in the dark, acrylic, oil, on canvas, 72x92cm

Phosphorescence , glow in the dark

Phosphorescent ,glow in the dark, oil on canvas, 80x40cm

Phosphorescence , glow in the dark

Phosphorescent, glow in the dark, wire, H178cm , L 83cm, F 25cm

Phosphorescence , glow in the dark

Camera, projector, oil on canvas, 130x162cm

Camera, projector, mixted on canvas, 73x60cm